«NNEF» Public Foundation

Educational Foundation - Bridge to the Future!


Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,

The year of 2018 is the year of the 20th anniversary of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Educational Foundation. Today I am proud to say that it is our Foundation that is a pioneer in the development of international education, and its innovative projects have contributed to developing the educational system in our country. The uniqueness of the projects lies in the fact that while retaining rich national cultural and educational traditions, we have integrated into them the best international practices.

Over 20 years we have educated generations of energetic, mobile, ambitious, creative young people who, after graduating from our schools and universities, evolved as Individuals. They are building successful professional careers, working in well-known world companies in diverse areas of activity. This is what I am proud of, too! Our kindergartens have graduated more than 1,000 children, from schools about 1,600 pupils, and more than 16,000 students from our higher educational institutions. The entire map of the world is linked with Kazakhstan through our graduates.

Educational institutions of the Foundation have become a genuine source of manpower. Kazakhstani and overseas professionals’ teamwork resulted an in organic synthesis of quite a new and invaluable experience. Our teachers are recognized experts in the international educational community: members of accreditation and authorization visiting teams, international examiners, trainers and consultants. The innovative experience acquired while working in the Foundation branches allows them to take leading positions in the educational sphere within and outside the country.

Over the past five years we have expanded our activity by implementing new projects in preschool and higher education. In addition, we consistently carry out charity activities, implement social programs and take an active part in developing the country’s youth policy.

I would like to thank all those who have been involved in implementing our large-scale projects, have contributed to the rapid and sustainable development of the Foundation, and indeed, to thank our teachers, students, parents, partners and friends. Let me wish all of them further success in accomplishing the new challenges facing the educational system of Kazakhstan.

Dinara Kulibayeva,

Founder of 
PF "Nursultan Nazarbayev Educational Foundation"
Doctor of Education,
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
